I was going to next develop a list of games that I am going
to try playing – and ask for recommendations. However, thinking about it I
thought that it would make more sense to think about the criteria that would
make a game suitable for a child to play so I can then judge if a game might be
suitable. I am in no way a game designer so these thoughts are very much of the
cuff and from someone that hasn’t given much thought. Any pointers would be
more than welcome. In no particular order
here are the things that I think may need to be considered.
The amount of ‘manoeuvre elements’ that a player
has to deal with. With the ‘One Hour Wargames’ the boy and I are trying at the moment,
although they claim to be a ‘Big Battle’ game, you in fact have at the most 6
units to deal with each turn. Skirmish games are usually considered to be
simpler, but if in your skirmish game you have 18 figures running around able
to operate independently that is three times as many things to keep track of.
How many different actions each unit can take.
If all a unit can move, shot and fight in a turn, that is easy to keep track
of. If you are worrying about reloads, overwatch or a morale test this turns
into overload for a child quite quickly.
How many rules differing units use / have access
to. One Hour Wargames being a useful example again. Every unit uses the same
mechanic for fighting – through a dice for a score. You may have to half it for
cav or add 2 for heavy foot but this is just a bit of simple arithmetic. Games
that have a mechanic that ever unit has access to differing rules can quickly
become complex. I love playing Malifaux for instance, but damn, I find it
difficult to remember what my units can do, let alone my enemies stuff.
Differing rules can be ok if each side has different rules but are the same for
that side. So in Space Hulk, Genestealers may play different to the Space Marines,
but if you are playing the Genestealers, they all have the same few rules to
keep track of – and their player does not have to keep a close track of the
Marines rules.
How complex are the command and control rules.
Games without any are probably the way to go for children. Or at the least
simple ones. DBA’s through a dice and you can move that many elements / groups
is probably ok, anything more than that probably a no no.
Are the victory conditions simple, consistent and
clear? ‘Kill all the enemy to win’ simple. ‘Have a unit walk of the opposite
board edge before turn 10’, probably doable. Any victory conditions that can’t
be made clear in one or at most two sentences, probably to much.
Last criteria that I can think of and probably
the most important one. How long before stuff happens? I think Peter Pigs pre
game in Poor Bloody Infantry is excellently designed to give an exciting asymmetrical
game but it is a fair amount of doing stuff before you start shooting each
other. Likewise, I prefer games where you can and indeed must manoeuvre for
position before the fighting occurs. I feel children however are looking for a
game where stuff happens from the get go. Winning may be important to them, but
action all the way through is how they want to achieve it.
Any point that I have missed that I should think about. Any
advice for things I should consider when looking at games to play? I would be
interested in hearing any comments.